Interview 1 Here is my first interview I interviewed my Grandma Monie, so my dad's mom.I thought what was most interesting was that my Grandpa met her in the most classical usual way. He met her at a dance and asked for a dance again and again.
Interview 2 Here is my second interview on my Grandma and Grandpa Hakke. I thought the must interesting thing was that a sausage stuffer is passed down from generation to generation on my Grandpa Jim's side.
Email to Family Member I wrote the email to my Aunt Diana. My Grandma Monie keep's track on all of our family history, but she doesn't have an email. Because of this I decided to email my Aunt who has been taking care of her for quite a while now. She later emailed back to me saying that she could help me.
Family Echo Tree This is an outline of the family history. It gets pretty complicated and we have a lot of family.
This prezi has someone of my family members,about 15, with information on them. I also put some pictures up to make it more interesting. The info-graphic I have below has some information on where we came from, what illnesses are in the family, and how long has each side live for the most.
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